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Daily Reflections of Dementia Caregivers

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Our Purpose
The purpose of this study is to learn more about the day-to-day experiences of dementia caregivers, including how often certain behaviors may happen, situations which you may find stressful and how often good things happen. 
Who can participate?
We are asking persons age 18+ who provide unpaid care or assistance to a person with dementia to participate. The caregiver needs to live with the person with dementia. The caregiver also needs reliable access to the internet.

Your decision to participate, and the information we learn from you will help us provide better support in the future to other caregivers and better care and support for people with dementia.

Study Procedures

Part 1


Part 2

In 6 months

Part 3

In 12 months

For each part you will: 

1. Complete 1 extended online reflection survey asking about your caregiving situation, health and wellness. It takes about 30 to 60 minutes to complete. 

2. Complete 21 days of short diary reflection surveys asking about what happened on the day before. The daily surveys take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. You will receive reminders if you did not complete it. You can continue to participate in the study if you miss a diary, but we ask you to complete as many as you can. 

You can choose whether you would like to do the daily reflection surveys by phone or by email.

 You will be compensated for your time depending on how many surveys you complete. We send payments by email in the form of amazon e-giftcards. 

Learn how enrollment works 


The research team does not know which survey answers are your answers.

The answers you provide on the research reflections are anonymous. The research reflections include both extended and the diary reflections. By keeping them anonymous this means that we will not be able to tell which reflection is yours, so we will not know how you answered the questions. We do keep track of how many reflections you completed, but we cannot link your name or any of your identifiable information (ex: address, phone) to your individual reflection answers. 

Still have questions?


You are welcome to contact the researcher or the University with any questions or concerns about the study. These additional communications will remain confidential to the extent allowable by law. 

Look to the contact page for more information on how to get in touch with us.  

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Phone: (210) 560-3075 [text]

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